Donating to the IVC Educational Foundation

The IVC Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.  Our main function is to provide additional funds to the students and teachers of the IVC School District that promote innovation and student empowerment in our classrooms.  As the state of Illinois struggles to meet its obligation to the our students, the IVCEF strives to provide additional learning opportunities and experiences for our students.  

We can’t achieve this goal without you! Please make your tax deductible gift today and help continue the tradition of education excellence in Illinois Valley Central schools.  

Any donation is greatly appreciated.  Please send your check to:

 IVC Educational Foundation

Attn: Adam Bussard, IVCEF Treasurer

1008 N. 4th Street

Chillicothe, IL 61523

If you would like more information about donating through an estate plan or establishing a scholarship, please contact the Foundation Treasurer, Adam Bussard at (309) 245-3978 or